SOFTCRITS leads the research of the development of a middleware for the exchange of data of the Communication Platform...
The role of SOFTCRITS in this project is the development of a vision system for quality control of meat products...
This project develops a demonstrator that integrates three Decision Support Systems for Integrated management...
SOFTCRITS was the leader of the work packages dedicated to the design of the low-cost monitoring system for energy management...
SOFTCRITS develops the IoT platform to support the system and provide connectivity with the plant ERP...
SOFTCRITS was responsible within the consortium for the development of an IoT platform for classroom monitoring...
The role of SOFTCRTIS in CARCIS is the development of an artificial vision system and a communication system...
The KAMIC project addresses the development of a new structural health monitoring system for critical infrastructures...
The overall objective or mission of the SUMINISTRA project is the Optimization and Digitalization of the Supply Chain, focusing on its core...
The main objective of the GEDERA project is to develop and validate the usefulness of a multi-agent tool (users and systems) to speed up the...
The objective of FLEXENER 2 is the creation of a digital energy management platform that allows to adapt the energy demand of a building...
5GVEC drives the development of 5G solutions for connected and automated driving. The project will be validated in use cases...
TECH4INFRA is focused on the design and development of an Intelligent Infrastructure Management Platform to monitor and inspect civil infrastructure...
El objetivo de FLEXENER 3 es culminar los trabajos comenzados en FLEXENER y FLEXENER2 para la creación de una plataforma digital de gestión energética que permita adaptar la demanda energética de un edificio…
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